diinget-inget postingen gue yang terakhir kaya mellow banget gitu ya. but life
must go on and the heart must be moving on.
Di umur yang
bakal bertambah tiap hari ini dan dengan kondisi umur juga gada yang tau sampai
mana. It would be really useless kalau
hidup cuma digunain buat mikirin hati aja. Even….. sebenernya love life takes
more than a half of your life. Well everybody could die for their love,
buktinya emang ada kan?
It would be
a random post tho, since I don’t really know apa yang harus dan yang mana yang
harus di ceritain duluan, because there are bunches of them dancing on my mind
then I just end up my self confusing this and that and well, pardon bahasanya rada
I’m facing
another new stage of life now, the time is rolling faster, and here I’m
standing right infront of the gate where the messy things lingering here and
there. Enhancing the career life is something really essential on my age. I
mean ON MY AGE. This is perhaps the most
crucial and most difficult step for most of us. But yea, this is what we call A NEED to sharping the
life skills. As I want to say is I am making busy my self now working as an
intern in one of reputable company. gratefully that I am very lucky and feel blessed cause I do enjoy the ambience.
The vibes strongly different with the college life back then, no chilling crazy
with friends cause I must act like im a well behaved employee, no saying prank
words because I need to communicate with some expertise and my boss and the
seniors, no over-slept blouse cause I need to be well dressed and look good, no
late night chill cause I need to wake up
early in the morning. well the life has changed a bit.
The screepiest
happened is when there will be NO time for a last minute travelling. Karna, bagi
gue travelling itu udah kaya pacar, butuh, yang jomblo pasti juga punya
gebetan, *ga berlaku buat orang yang belum pernah pacaran, karena se
observasinya gue, mereka belum care-care dan butuh banget pacar karena belum
pernah ngerasain pacaran dan patah hati* gatau deh bener apa engga, but it
works for several people I’ve met. Apalah bahas travelling jadinya
pacar-pacaran, lol. But yea I need travelling as I need you!
Tapi, life
isn’t as fun as playing in the playground with the clique then forget that the
time had passed. I’ve read a quote saying “comfort zone might be cool, but
nothings ever grow there” dan itu adalah benar! Travelling is my another life,
but even banyak banget pelajaran moral yang bisa ditemui ketika travelling, new
faces, new style of life, new in everything. Tapi tentunya gabakal bisa
travelling terus kan, It cost a lot of money and while begging money to my
parent isn’t the right thing to do, or this is me just feel DON’T WANNA do
aku kan rindu kamu *bye*
Maksudanya aku
rindu jalan-jalan, jalan-jalan bareng kamu *oke fix BYE!*
And then
what is the point rin? Im saying this that the life has changed a bit from the ordinary one. I need to say that I MAKE
my self busy. Inget 2 postingan terakhir kalau gue berasa belum move on kan? Well
to be honest, belum 100% but I am trying now. As I come to be an overthinker
person, think about that, think about this, think about what if, or think about
the big why? It gives me result that being in love with the past-very sweet
moment with ex means blocking a new one coming to my life, and I don’t want
that happen. Besides, something way more important must be planned very well
like the career of life? Or another big dreams just strongly need to become true. Then of course, you’ll
always have something to look forward to , right? Gue ga bisa selalu jalan di
tempat to the tons of things I comfort with, the more I comfort the more that
level of laziness approaching me and my parents didn’t feed me up turning into
someone useless. There, outdoor full of potential. So don’t let dreams get away
from you.
being busy means adding several level of stressness or it can be much stressfull!
Lacking time with friends and (sering diulang-ulang) no time for a last minute
travelling. But it’s all okay, no matter how busy and stressful life can get. I know, I know
throwing self for jobs mean dealing
with the crazy busy day that turns into an insanely busy week, which then
becomes an outrageously busy month… By the end of it, your mom will barely
speak to you and your best friend has almost forgotten your name.
disitulah seni menjadi seseorang yang sibuk, yang berarti kalau menurut gue,
bakal menghargai apa yang namanya waktu, tenaga, people, or even the money? Selagi
apa yang disibukkan adalah hal-hal yang full of benefits, why not? You are not
a baby and your friends must have
something more to be dealed with. So, once when you do a bi weekly-coffee or a
once-a month dinner it would be full of fun talking about what had happened
over the months cause you are living vastly different lifes with them.
So then. I am
saying here that I am blessing for everything happened in my life. The times are surely changing and also for the
mind. I had a job, volunteering an
essential organizations, I’m facing my last year college, thinking over the
right topic due to my script, planning another dreams, and preparing an amazing
plans for the upcoming trips!